Monday, June 14, 2010

Trans Community, Help Brittany Win!

If you haven't heard the story by now, attorney Brittany Novotny has filed to run against incumbent homobigot Oklahoma state legislator Sally Kern.

The same Sally Kern that famously stated in 2008 that homosexuality was more dangerous than terrorism.

The same faith-based bigot Sally Kern that on the Fourth of July last year, issued her “Oklahoma Citizen’s Proclamation for Morality” blaming the country’s financial problems on same-sex marriage, divorce, pornography, sex trafficking, child abuse and “many other forms of debauchery.”

So yeah, Sally's gotta go.

Brittany so far has raised $20,000 with much of that being small donations within the state of Oklahoma. But our sis could always use more.

As this Oklahoma House race continues to get attention from the national media and across the blogosphere, the bigots will start sending money to Kern. We need to step it up and give Brittany some help.

If you live in the Oklahoma City metro area, consider donating some time to her campaign if you're not in the financial position to donate some cash.

But then again, $5, $10 and $25 contributions can go a long way toward amassing the $100,000 war chest she wants to build up to take on the incumbent Kern.

Good luck Brittany! You TransGtiot readers know I will keep you updated on this potentially historic race.