Thursday, June 24, 2010

Dana Beyer 2010 Campaign Kickoff

Dr. Dana Beyer will kick off her 2010 run for the Maryland House of Delegates that we hope will end in victory with an event this Saturday.

if you're in the Washington DC metro area and wish to attend, it will take place in Silver Spring, MD on Saturday June 26 at Wheaton Claridge Park from 10:30 AM EDT to 1:00 PM EDT.

Dana is seeking to make trans history by becoming the first transperson elected to a state legislative body.

As always, Dana could use some help for her campaign, so if you can donate time ot cash, you can do so at her website.

If you're planning to attend, so that they can have a solid head count, please RSVP Dana's Field Director, Jena Grosser at: or call (202) 905-7921.