Monday, June 14, 2010

Let's Put A Doctor In The House

The Maryland House of Delegates that is.

Dr. Dana Beyer is running for a state legislative body as well. The Senior Assistant to at-large Montgomery County Councilmember Duchy Trachtenberg officially kicked off her campaign for the Maryland District 18 seat that covers Montgomery County on April 27.

Dr. Beyer has made two previous runs for the Maryland House of Delegates in 2006 and stood for an appointment for a House of Delegates seat in 2007.

This is her second run for office, and let's hope she's successful.

If you live in Montgomery County or the Washington DC metro area and would like to donate to or volunteer for her campaign, you can check our her website.

She could use some $5, $10 and $25 donations from the community as well.

One of the things we are going to have to do as a community is start getting some of our own people elected to public offices such as state legislatures and major city councils.

It is from these offices that candidates for the US House and Senate get their experience and build the name recognition for future House and Senate runs.

It's a major reason why I'm going to be keeping you TransGriot readers apprised on what's happening with Dr. Beyer's campaign.

Let's get that process started by putting Dr. Dana in the Maryland House and providing her with the means and the funds to do so.

Good luck Dr. Dana!