Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Brittany Officially Files To Run!

I've talked about Oklahoma City attorney Brittany Novotny more than a few times on this blog and the potential history she could make if she's successful in her run for the Oklahoma Legislature.

This morning Brittany officially filed to run for the Oklahoma District 84 state house seat currently held by GOP homobigot Sally Kern.

Kern filed for the seat on Monday.

Novotny said to Julie Bisbee of The Oklahoman, “Kern has proven to be out of touch with mainstream Oklahomans, ineffective at solving problems, and bad for business.”

She's aware of what she's facing in this upcoming campaign as well.

“I understand there are going to be some folks who try to make this election about the fact that my medical history includes a gender transition, but I’m running for office because I believe I’m the best candidate to fight for jobs, education, and transportation. I understand that state government runs best when it focuses on helping small businesses create jobs and guarantees all of our children can get a great public education.”

If she's successful, she would become the first trans person elected to a state legislature in US history.

To contribute to Brittany's campaign, click on this link to her official campaign website.

Give a $5 or a $10 to help Brittany win!

Best of luck, Brittany! Here's hoping you make history this November and take out an odious hater at the same time.