Friday, March 13, 2009

Shut Up Fool! Awards-Friday The 13th Deja Vu Edition

If you're wondering didn't we just have a Friday The Thirteenth last month, yes we did. But since February is only 28 days, it pretty much guaranteed we'd have another one since this isn't a leap year.

And thank God they aren't releasing another Jason/Friday The 13th slasher movie either.

As I mentioned last week, I will post my brackets for the 2009 edition of the NCAA men's and women's tournaments after the selection committee has done its work on Sunday and Monday to set up the brackets.

So it's time to find out which fool we pity (or don't pity) this week.

This week's fool is Kentucky state senator Gary Tapp (R-Shelbyville)

He sponsored an anti-gay adoption bill modeled on the Arkansas one but took it a step further and sought to ban ALL unmarried couples from adopting children or acting as foster parents.

He also admitted in a newspaper interview that he'd never set foot in Family Court, had never talked to the organizations that would be adversely affected by the bill, but admitted he filed it because in his words

"I don’t think those people should be parents. I believe it’s wrong."

He then got Senate Bill 68 to the floor by calling a double secret Senate Legislative Committee meeting in which opponents weren't notified it was happening.

Gary Tapp, shut up fool!