We are the Rad Fem Borg. Lower your intellectual shields and surrender your brains. We will add your biological and feminist distinctiveness to our own. You will adapt to hating transwomen just like us. Resistance is futile.
In my 'Ain't Feelin' Feminism' post one of my commenters remarked that the anti-transgender sentiments that drive some of the radical feminist movement had subsided, to which I dissented on that point.
While I had in the back of my mind the things I'd read on the Questioning Transphobia blog about rad fem bloggers still stuck in the 70's, we got fresh indications that the transphobic infection of idiocy has been implanted into new rad fem drones.
One was even dispatched to Womanist Musings recently to attack the esteemed editor of that blog because as a trans ally, Renee politely asked for her post to be removed from a rad fem blog carnival that turned out to be an anti-transgender hatefest.
The rad fem hatred of transpeople continues with a post that rad fem transhater Margaret Jamison wrote because Renee called the Nicky drone out concerning a transphobic comment this person left on a post she wrote on intersex tennis pro Sarah Gronert. Nicky then ran to her space and tried to claim that Renee was 'rude' to her.
Renee exercised her right as the owner/editor of the blog to call out the transphobic comment, and because Nicky got smacked down, she's exercising her white privilege to claim that Renee was 'rude to her.'
You know, I'm beyond sick of the deluded transphobic hatred expressed by some rad fems, some gays and lesbians and some intersex people being spun as 'truth'. When you call them out on it, they hop in their Borg cube and run back to the collective at warp speed and whine on their blogs we're being 'rude', especially if you're a POC calling them out. And just like right wingers, they attempt to falsely project their nekulturny behaviors onto the transgender community and claim we're engaging in it.
You don't deserve civility when you are colluders aiding, abetting, and enabling the attitudes that result in transgender people being discriminated against or killed, disrespecting the real life experiences of transpeople and come into our spaces and the spaces of our allies to express your anti-transgender hostility.
Resistance to the disco era thinking of the rad fem collective is not futile.