The Mardi Gras parties, balls and parades are in full swing down in New Orleans with the big day happening on Tuesday.
As per tradition on February 24, the Zulu's will be kicking the fun and festivities off. It's also the 100th Anniversary year for the Zulu's as well.
So laissez les bon temps rouler (let the good times roll) and let's see who won the Shut Up Fool! Award for this week
For his performance on the AC360 show, Ron Christie is the hands down winner this week of the Shut Up Fool! award.
This Bush administration sellout first criticized Attorney General Eric Holder's on point speech on our reticence to honestly discuss race in the States by attacking the 'nation of cowards' line in it.
Then during the AC360 show segment debating the NY Post cartoon he had the nerve to part his lips and say that the NY Times cartoon 'wasn't racist' to the point where David Gergen was shaking his head on that one along with my Houston homeboy Roland Martin, and get defensive when Roland justifiably called him 'delusional'.
Thank God my Houston homeboy was there to 'keep it real'
BTW, if anybody has the number to the DROP Squad, please have this 'brother' reported immediately for reprogramming.
Ron Christie, Shut up Fool!