As you know Louisville and the rest of the state was dealing with a major ice storm and snow that took out power lines. This time the TransGriot didn't lose power, but feels the pain of the peeps who did. So for those of you just getting back online, here's the idiocy you missed
Anyhoo, let's see who won this week's Shut Up Fool! Award.
There was no contest this week. I'm not even bothering to find any other ridiculous statements this week because our winner basically locked it down and blew away any potential competition.
This week's winner is another Faux News sellout negro, Jesse Lee Peterson. On this recent Hannity show he stated "I think we all agree that Barack Obama was elected by mostly racist Blacks and White guilty people." It was so over the top even the 'Little Ball of Hate' had to call him on it.
Jesse Peterson, shut up fool!