Friday, February 13, 2009

Shut Up Fool! Awards-Friday The 13th Edition

Well, since today is Friday The 13th, it's time to show some fear and loathing to the people who made us cringe in terror by flapping their gums to let the most asinine comments come out of their mouths this week.

Where's Jason and Freddy Krueger when you need them?

And now, this week's nominees for the Shut Up Fool! Awards.

Contestant Number One is somebody I figured would be nominated sooner or later for this honor, newly minted RNC chair Michael Steele.

He parted his lips on Sunday to say in criticism of Brother President's economic stimulus package that 'he believes that government-funded jobs don't count as real employment because "a job is something that a business owner creates."

The government doesn't create jobs. Let's get this notion out of our heads that the government creates jobs. Not in the history of mankind has the government ever created a job. ... Those 2 to 4 million jobs that are projected won't happen. Trust me.

Contestant Number Two is Bill O'Reilly. In this Faux News clip, he mockingly compares Helen Thomas, the dean of the White House press cord to the 'Wicked Witch of the East'

Contestant Number Three is Catholic Bishop Richard Williamson.

At a time when the Catholic Church and the Vatican is mimicking the Dubya blueprint for winning friends and influencing people is pissing people off left right and center, they added the worldwide Jewish community to that increasingly long list.

Pope Benedict XVI lifts his excommunication of him and then Williamson goes on Swedish TV January 24 to state that the Holocaust didn't happen, there were no gas chambers at Auschwitz and only 300,000 Jews died as opposed to the accepted figure of six million.

Hello, all you need to do is take a trip to Auschwitz or Google it to eyeball them. 1 million people died just at Auschwitz alone with about 900,000 being Jewish. Google 'Wannsee Conference' to note who was at the top of the list for extermination.

So Bishop Richard Williamson, shut up fool! You're our winner this week.