Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Dear Gay Inc., Gayosphere and MSM - Tiwonge Identifies As A Woman, So She's In A HETERO Relationship

transgender-Use the pronoun preferred by the individuals who have acquired the physical characteristics of the opposite sex or present themselves in a way that does not correspond with their sex at birth.

If that preference is not expressed, use the pronoun consistent with the way the individuals live publicly.

From The AP Stylebook

Gay Incorporated, Gayosphere and MSM. It's really a simple concept, but it's one that you consistently fail to grasp. If a person identifies as a certain gender, lives in that role, and presents themselves in a way that doesn't correspond with their birth gender, then that's what they are.

Y'all either can't, don't or willfully won't get that, and it's really pissing the trans community off.

You've demonstrated that willful ignorance in the Malawi case and once again with the the Pakistani couple.

As for you peeps in Gay Incorporated, the GL community and the gayosphere, y'all don't have any excuses since we've been part of the community for decades.

But then again, we are well aware of the fact that you will and have repeatedly 'gayjacked' a situation involving a transperson to promote your GL agenda at our expense.

How many fracking times do we have to point out what the AP Stylebook has to say about trans issues before y'all FINALLY and consistently get it right?