Monday, August 30, 2010

Good News, Bad News In Michigan GOP Secretary Of State Nomination Race

The Michigan GOP convention was held last weekend, and one of the items on the agenda was of major concern to trans Michiganders.

The delegates in attendance at the convention had to decide which one of five candidates would carry the Republican label in the Secretary of State race against Democratic nominee Jocelyn Benson.

The good news was that transphobic conservanegro state rep Paul Scott finished fourth out of the five remaining candidates for the Secretary of State nomination.

So what's the bad news? Ruth Johnson, the other transphobic candidate in the race is the Republican nominee.

Oh course, here's Kat Rose's ENDAblog take on this revolting development.

I've already vented on this issue, but I will add this comment to the mix.

I hope you trans peeps in Michigan are planning to bumrush the ballot boxes on November 2. Your ability to change your gender markers on your Michigan drivers licenses and ID depends on Jocelyn Benson winning that office.