Monday, August 16, 2010

Women Of Color Bloggers

How did I miss this one? This Nordette Adams BlogHer article was posted February 27, 2010 and talks about a decade of Women of Color bloggers.

Guess who gets mentioned as a blogger that people consider influential or they simply like. My blogging homegirl Renee and Womanist Musings is mentioned, along with Latoya Peterson's Racialicious (where I've had some guest posts pop up from time to time), Pam Spaulding of Pam's House Blend, Tami of What Tami Said, Twanna Hines of Funky Brown Chick, and Gina McCauley of What About Our Daughters


It's a blessing and an honor that I was mentioned with some pretty lofty blogging company. It lets me know that the long hours and hard work I put into making this blog informative and entertaining for you to read has gotten your attention even if I question that at times.

But what is more gratifying and important to me is that it has the respect of my readers and my blogging peers.