Friday, October 23, 2009

Shut Up Fool! Awards-Hate Crimes Passed! Edition

I've been making the trip to Washington for several years now to lobby on behalf of the trans community. Yesterday one of the trans community's crown legislative jewels passed the Senate and is now headed to the White House for the President's signature.

It's been a long time coming, and the first step in treating us as human beings.

It now time to switch our focus to the human beings called fools. Let's see who distinguished themselves in expressing their stupidity to the world.

This week's winner is a Bush. George Herbert Walker Bush to be precise.

While decrying the negative tone of American politics these days, he slams Rachel Maddow and Keith Olbermann.

Flag on the play. You were not only responsible for greasing the skids and welcoming the Dixiecrats into the Texas GOP, you did your part to pimp the GOP 'Southern Strategy' in the 1988 presidential election by turning Willie Horton into a national political issue.

So spare me and the country the fake crocodile tears about how you're distressed about the negativity in American politics when you made major contributions to it getting that way.

George Herbert Walker Bush, shut up fool!