Saturday, October 10, 2009

2000 Posts!

You are looking at another TransGriot milestone.

This post is the 2000th one I have composed for this blog since I started it on January 1, 2006.

Wow, guess I had a lot to say about trans issues and many others from an African flavored perspective, huh?

It's awe inspiring to note that I get people all over the planet who take the time out of their busy days to surf over here to TransGriot and read what I have to say about trans and other issues in the world surrounding me.

I have been blessed with new friends since the start of this blog. I've seen my writing quoted by people, linked to by influential newspapers and even seen some of the catchphrases I came up like conservafool starting to appear elsewhere in the blogosphere and beyond.

I'm even starting to get awards for it.

But as I shoot for post 2500 and beyond, the basic mission of TransGriot hasn't changed.

That mission, dear readers, is to educate, inform and entertain you at the same time.

Thank you TransGriot readers for your support and coming along for the ride.