Sunday, August 16, 2009

Getting My Coke Bottle Back

When I first began my transition, one of the things I was concerned about was whether or not I would develop shapely curves.

One of the things that sisters are noted for is having curves. Our 'fine brown frames' have been sung about by legions of male singers over the years.

I had no doubts about whether or not I could pull off living on the other side of the gender fence as a Phenomenal Black woman. I was fortunate enough to have a few key pieces of my future feminine presentation in place with my legs, my long eyelashes, smooth skin, thin androgynous body build, and my butt.

Hormones were very good to me in the early stages of my transition. They enhanced what I had and the weight I gained went toward giving me some needed curves. I was quite pleased when I checked myself out the mirror and saw a beautiful sistah staring back at me to match the one inside.

But over time my size 14 shape morphed into a size 22 thanks to the inevitable weight gain from being an estrogen based lifeform, age, me living in H-town with its super sized restaurant portions, the slowing down of my metabolism and my subsequent move to Da Ville in which pizza and great restaurant food is plentiful and an art form. Being depressed and unhappy about leaving home and other myriad issues also played a role in it as well.

At the tail end of June I finally decided that I was going to shed my excess poundage and cut back on some of my bad habits feeding into me ballooning at one point to 275 pounds.

Since diabetes runs in my family and so far I've been able to avoid it, the weight needed to come off. My room in this house is upstairs. We have hills nearby in this neighborhood I have to negotiate when I do my long walks around it and to the nearby reservoir walking trail.

I noted the heavy breathing I was doing when I walked uphill or up the stairs. I was also annoyed by the fact that when I started playing tennis again a year ago after a long layoff, my endurance wasn't as great as it used to be.

Vanity also played a role into my decision to drop the excess poundage. I was not happy about some pics Ness sent me from the recent lobby day. My unhappiness with those photos, my having the status of a role model for this community and having nice size 14 clothes sitting in my closet I wanted to start wearing again was a powerful incentive to drop the excess pounds.

I was pleased when I checked out my reflection in the full length bedroom mirror last week and noted that the shapely sistah has made a comeback.

I cut way back on the fast food, my food size portions, bread, the soda and late night snacking in order to shed that weight. I even fasted for a week and drank lots of water in order to let nature eliminate some of the belly fat.

It was a struggle, but never underestimate the willpower of a Taurus. The joy in me being able to put on a pair of my size 14 jeans, a dress or a skirt and zip it up with no problem was a victory that has done wonders for my self esteem and divatude.

There's also a few nice pant suits I have my eyes on in the Metrostyle catalog as well.

It also didn't hurt that while I was out and about earlier in the week I overheard two brothers saying "Damn, she's fine" while casting admiring glances at me.

I'm still working on getting rid of the remaining belly fat so I can continue wearing those size 14 clothes. I have upcoming speaking engagements I want to be in diva mode for.