I'm back online and rarin' to go after a frustrating week without Computer Prime or the backup laptop I was using until a few days ago.
Didn't keep me from monitoring the news and watching all the madness surrounding the health care debate and the GOP's shady tactics to drown out the voices of people like myself who are in favor of universal single payer health care, AKA 'Medicare for All'.
As our Shut Up Fool! awards mascot Mr. T has noted on many occasions, fools are everywhere. We definitely have a bumper crop of them, whether it be the Birthers, the Deathers, Lou Dobbs, Glenn Beck, Faux News, Rush Limbaugh, Michael Steele, Sarah Palin...you get the drift.
Our Shut Up Fool! award for this week goes to all the stupid predominately vanilla flavored people who have allowed themselves to be bamboozled into showing their racist azzes at the various town hall meetings held this month.
You are doing so at the behest of conservative K Street lobbying firms, Faux News, right wing hate radio, HMO's who want to stay between you and your doctor and continue to make obscene profits off the current broken system and the GOP who gets paid mad loot to thwart any meaningful legislative reform as they've done for decades.
Once again you information challenged people are being played, manipulated, hoodwinked and bamboozled again to vote against your own economic interests because you're 'scurred' of the current occupant of the White House.
Bamboozled health care reform opponents, shut up, fools!