Friday, April 4, 2008

Happy 80th Birthday Sister Maya!

In addition to the sad anniversary we'll be commemorating in terms of the 40th anniversary of Dr. King's assasination, we do have a happy event to celebrate.

Today is Dr. Maya Angelou's 80th birthday.

She's one of my favorite poets, writers and motivational speakers. One of my early posts on TransGriot was taking one of her poems, Phenomenal Woman and rewriting it with a transgender spin.

It has become my mantra and one of the motivating tools I use to inspire me to reach higher and be the best person I can be. It's ironic and kind of neat that a poem I wrote to motivate myself is also becoming an inspiration to some of my transsistahs as well. I'm honored that my homegirl Tona Brown loves this poem and will be using her considerable musical talents to set that piece to music. I'm looking forward to hearing her perform it one day.

But back to Sister Maya. She's not only an inspiration to me, but also Oprah and many women across ethnic backgrounds. Happy 80th birthday to one phenomenal woman!