The Drive For 155 is in the hands of the Canadian electorate.
There are a lot of interesting developments and plot twists that will be resolved today. Will the NDP's historic surge catapult Jack Layton into becoming the next prime minister of Canada or will they fall just short and become the Official Opposition?
Will the Sweater Vest and his Conservatives get the 12 seats they needed at the start of this campaign to form their majority government, or will they regress and open up some drama in the Conservative party amongst their adherents who didn't think Harper was conservative enough?.
And what about the Liberals who are now in third place behind the NDP? How many seats will they lose, and will Liberal party members start calling for Iggy's head if they do?

So my loyal TransGriot Canadian readers, time to do your civic duty in a few hours and go vote at your local polling place. You can bet your Conservative friends will be up bright and early at 7 AM (or whatever your opening time is) doing it at theirs..
Looking forward to watching those returns when the polls close in the Great White North. Here's hoping my Canadian sis gets the result she's hoping for. All I am in this case is an interested observer and political junkie fascinated by how this 2011 Canadian election is playing out.