Tuesday, November 16, 2010

TransGriot Nuke A Troll 2

Will these people never learn?

Had another troll that tried to infiltrate and spread disharmony negative karma on my blog recently named billwhit 1357 that merits public embarrassment  
He is the latest conservafool to attempt to step to my cyberhome and try to spread his delusional garbage in my cyber living room, and he will pay the price for it.       

He wrote this waste of bandwith reaction to the post I compiled on September 30, 2009 about Brittany Novotny deciding to run against trans and homophobic Republifool Oklahoma state representative Sally Kern.  

I would not vote for a Freak of Nature, we have enough insanity in this world without the Freaks getting in control! The Bible says it is wrong, so it is wrong! We are not to hate these people, but try to help them see the errors of their way. If God disapproves, then I follow God, not Political Correct Insanity!

USS Monica going to Defcon 1.  Rhetorical nuclear Tomahawks release authorized   Board is green;  begin abbreviated countdown   5..4..3..2..1..launch.

billwhit1357, you described yourself in your Intense Debate profile as a pot smoking conservative, and you had to be smoking some of British Columbia, Maui or Amsterdam's finest  to come of with that convoluted transphobic BS that I flushed after you sent it here.  

But I'm gonna have fun dissecting this.  

I would not vote for a Freak of Nature,
The only freak of nature here is clueless haters and freaks like yourself who call yourselves conservative.     BTW, there were over 2500 people in Oklahoma HD 84 who voted for Brittany and her JET program.

we have enough insanity in this world without the Freaks getting in control!

And the bumper crop of insanity is coming from racist, transphobic, low-information, easily bamboozled Bible thumping conservafools like you and the ignorant politicians you vote for just because they have an 'R' behind their name .

The Bible says it is wrong, so it is wrong!

What? You didn't spell it out what you claim 'the Bible says' in your mind says is wrong.   Or is the dope you're smoking impacting the diminished capacity of conservatives like yourself  to rationally debate anyone without resorting to talking points from Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh or a fill in the blank televangelist?
We are not to hate these people, but try to help them see the errors of their way.

Here we go, the classic red herring line.  So typical of you hypocritical conservative 'christians'.

You make a mockery of what you stated in this boringly predictable and simplistic line by not only hatin' on Brittany, but stringing together a collection of incoherent and contradictory talking points to attack her simply for exercising her constitutional prerogative as an American and citizen of Oklahoma to run against Sally Kern.

And explain to me.'what errors of their way' means while I continue to point out the error of your so called 'christian' conservafool ways in the process.     .  

If God disapproves, then I follow God, not Political Correct Insanity!

And exactly in what chapter and verse in the Bible does it say that our Creator disapproves of trans people when:

A- He made us (transpeople included) in His image
B- He loves us.
C- He gave surgeons the skill and technical ability to change a 'pole into a realistic looking hole' as we say in the community.    
D- Peep Matthew 19:12

For there are some eunuchs, which were so born from their mother's womb: and there are some eunuchs, which were made eunuchs of men: and there be eunuchs, which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it.

Eunuchs, since you are conservatively illiterate, are our back in the Bible days trans cousins.

And let me hit you with one more scripture, Galatians 3:28

There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there isneither male nor female: for you are all one in Christ Jesus

Seems like you are the one following 'Politically Correct insanity'.  

It's called conservatism, and its 'greed is good' selfish tenets violate God's commandments to love thy neighbor, help the poor, not lie, cheat or steal, not covet thy neighbors property, bear false witness, commit adultery or render unto Caesar what is Caesar's..  

Put that happy grass in your pipe and smoke it, find a church in your area that's not arena sized and using the Bible to pimp their jacked up 'hate on marginalized groups' political agenda, and have a blessed day.