Sunday, November 7, 2010

2010 Houston TDOR On UH Campus

There will be Transgender Day Of Remembrance ceremonies all over the world as the website Ethan maintains will point out.   But this will be the first TDOR I get to attend back in my hometown.

I've been a part of TDOR events hosted by the Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary on one level or another for the past 8 years, so it's going to be a little strange in not having a speaking role or taking part in the planning for it.

But as I have to remind myself, I've only been back for five months, and I'd better be careful what I wish for.
That's a nice segue into the next part of this post.   For those of you in the Houston area who wish to attend the 2010 Houston TDOR, it will be held on November 20 at the A.D. Bruce Religion Center on the UH Main Campus.

To get to it from I-45 South (downtown):
- exit Cullen
- turn right on Cullen
- turn left into UH Entrance 13A
- you cannot reach this building by car, but the Religion Center is the white building at the far end of the gated parking lot

Parking Information
To obtain a visitor parking permit, visit the Information Center at Entrance 1 on UH University Dr. or the Information Center on Cullen Blvd near the Athletics/Alumni Facility.
The closest parking lots are 9C and 15F.

The TDOR will start at 7 PM CST.     Hope to see many of you local TransGriot readers, allies and friends there.