I'm taking time out this weekend to do some fiction writing.
No, I'm not going to apply for a job as a copy writer for Faux News, people.
But every now and then I like to let my creative juices flow and unleash some of these characters that are yearning to be released from the creative area of my brain and run free to live their lives in the context of a story.
If something newsworthy happens to transpire while I'm doing so, I'll definitely write it up and give you loyal TransGriot readers my chocolate flavored take on it.
But just in case you're curious as to whether not Moni has the fiction writing skills to pay her bills, here's a sample courtesy of some old short stories, song rewrites and poetic posts I've written throughout the years.
Gotta get back to work on that. My characters are calling.
Bathroom Issues
Transgender Heaven
It's a Wonderful Trans Life
The Recruiting Visit
The Sermon
Battlestar Galactica With Soul