Friday, April 16, 2010

Shut Up Fool! Awards-Day of Silence Edition

Today is the 15th anniversary of the Day of Silence.

It's the GLSEN sponsored event in which students at the middle and high school levels take a vow of silence for the day to call attention to anti-TBLG name-calling, bullying and harassment.

And that's a nice segue into our award We call attention every Friday to the people that need to take a permanent vow of silence because of how stupid they sound on a regular basis.

As usual we had a lot of contenders for this week's award. The GOP, Hannity, Beck, Bigot, oops Bishop harry Jackson, Angela McGlowan, Sarah Palin...

But in the end, I had to choose one winner, and the Shut Up Fool! for this week goes to Sarah Palin's running buddy, Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN)

Miss Thang was quoted recently as calling the Obama administration a gangster government. Methinks Michele has the Obama administration confused with the last misadministration.

Michele Bachmann,, shut up fool.