Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Miya Shay, Read Your AP Stylebook

In addition to all the drama surrounding the Tyjanae Moore bathroom case, I also have to slam another reporter for disrespectful reporting

I expect such misgendering and transphobic shenanigans out of Fox 26, but in this case they aren't the offender.  Ironically KRIV-TV's Isiah Carey has done a better job on the story than our ABC affiliate KTRK-TV.

ABC13 usually cleans up when it comes to local and state journalism awards, has been the top ranked news station in town for years and is light years better journalistically than Fox 26.

You couldn't prove it by Emmy Award winning reporter Miya Shay's report on this issue which is in violation of the AP Stylebook guidelines.     Shay's report not only misgenders Tyjanae, but also uses her male name.

Miya, here's what the AP Stylebook says about reporting on transgender people:

transgender-Use the pronoun preferred by the individuals who have acquired the physical characteristics of the opposite sex or present themselves in a way that does not correspond with their sex at birth.   

If that preference is not expressed, use the pronoun consistent with the way the individuals live publicly.

Which means Miya, that since TYJANAE has acquired the physical characteristics of a female, SHE should have been referred to in the story you wrote using female pronouns and her female name.