Saturday, December 26, 2009

Trans People Are Part Of The Diverse Mosaic Of Life 6

Even though you've digested your Christmas meal by now, returned or exchanged your gifts you didn't like and thrown away the wrapping paper, the struggle continues around the world for trans people to assert and fight for their human rights.

Yes, we are part of the diverse mosaic of human life, and the sooner y'all haters and other people realize that, the better, because we ain't going away.

Keisy and Tamara having a conversation on a Honduras street

Calpernia Addams and Laverne Cox looking lovely at the GLAAD Awards

A protest in Dallas

Trans teen J. Escobar

Transwoman on phone being checked out by 'the menz' during protest in Guatemala

Trans Muslims at a prayer service in Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Claudio shaving