Friday, December 11, 2009

Shut Up Fool! Awards-Million Visits Edition

Yesterday I passed the 1 million hit milestone for TransGriot. That tells me y'all really like this blog, and thank you for taking your valuable surfing time to do so.

One other thing you TransGriot readers seem to like is our weekly exercise in calling out the fools in our midst.

So lets get right to it. This fool got into the holiday spirit and earned our illustrious award at the same time.

Our fool this week is Arlington, TN mayor Russell Wiseman.

He called President Obama a Muslim on his Facebook page, attacked President Obama's supporters, and said the president's primetime address about United States military's strategy in Afghanistan was a deliberate effort to block the airing of the cartoon "A Charlie Brown Christmas."

I'll let Keith Olbermann fill in the details for you.

It's bad when your own city puts a statement up on the town website to distance themselves from your idiocy.

Russell Wiseman, shut up fool!