Thursday, November 26, 2009

Shut Up Fool! Awards-Thanksgiving Weekend Edition

Hope you loyal TransGriot readers had a wonderful Thanksgiving Day and had plentiful food, great company, stress free travel and minimum drama with family as you got your grub on.

I'm parked in the house not planning on going anywhere near a mall today. I'm not risking life and limb to partake in the post holiday shopping madness.

It's also Friday and time to do what we do every week at TransGriot, carve up the turkeys who made fools of themselves this week.

As usual, our holiday fools runneth over, but alas, I can only choose one.

This week's fool is People For the Ethical Treatment Of Animals, or PETA for short.

The University of Georgia mascot, a purebred English bulldog named Uga VII died unexpectedly last week at age 4.

Peep the e-mail that University of Georgia AD Damon Evans received from PETA:

In the wake of the untimely death of the University of Georgia’s (UGA) bulldog mascot, Uga VII, PETA has asked the school’s athletic director, Damon M. Evans, to replace the mascot with an animatronic dog–or to rely solely on a costumed mascot–instead of using another real bulldog.

Bulldogs are prone to breathing difficulties, hip dysplasia, heart disorders, and other congenital ailments, and acquiring a dog from a breeder perpetuates the animal overpopulation crisis while causing another dog waiting in an animal shelter to be condemned to death.

Cue Twilight Zone theme music.

Okay, since when did a dog being on the sidelines of a football game wearing a sweater constitute 'cruel and inhumane' treatment?

Putting them in a ring to fight another dog to the death is.

Whether it's dress up like Klansmen, violate every ism in the book, or throw paint on people's fur coats, PETA never ceases to offend, say something breathtakingly stupid or make themselves look like the fools they are.

Besides, if any nation comes up with robotic dogs, probably won't be ours. My money's on Japan, since they invest 10 billion yen a year in robotics research and development. As a matter of fact, the Japanese are working on humanoid robots that walk, talk and interact with humans.

But back to PETA. Every time they open their mouths and make ridiculous statements such as this, they set the cause of ending animal cruelty back.

PETA, shut the HELL up, fools!