Friday, November 13, 2009

Shut Up Fool! Awards-Friday The 13th Edition

It's Friday The 13th!

The weather's beautiful up here and I'm planning on stepping away from the computer for awhile and enjoying it because the crappy weather days will be here soon enough.

So let's get right to it and see what fool, fools or group of fools earned our illustrious award today.

As usual, there were many worthy candidates to choose from this week. Michael Steele, Carrie Prejean, assorted Republican conservafools such as Rep. Michele Bachmann

But our winner this week is Rupert Murdoch. He's the owner of that abomination of a 'news' network Faux News and the News Corporation empire that keeps it afloat.

Rupert in a recent interview stated that Glenn Beck "was right" when he called President Obama "racist."

Okay, 80 companies have stopped advertising on your networks here and in the UK, and you're standing by your conservafool.

Well, here's the link peeps to add your name to the Color of Change petition to stop Glenn Beck's race baiting

Murdoch is as delusional as the reality challenged talent he hires to staff his propaganda network that Joseph Goebbels would be proud of. No wonder it's losing money.

Rupert Murdoch, shut the HELL up, fool!