Thursday, July 30, 2009

Still Missing Marvin Zindler

Has it actually been two years since our iconic crusading consumer reporter and bane of Houston area slimy characters and dirty restaurants left us?

Was thinking about home when it dawned on me that it's been two years since Marvin Zindler passed away. If you are a native Houstonian, transplant or spent any time in the Bayou City tuned in to Channel 13 news, you know who this man is.

Marvin was the inspiration for the Best Little Whorehouse In Texas Broadway play and subsequent movie.

Obviously I'm not the only Houstonian who misses hearing him say 'Sliiiiiime In the Ice Machine' or his signature 'Marrrrvin Zindler, Eyyyyyyyewitness news' signoff.

You are still missed Marvin, especially by the little people you fought so hard to cut red tape and get justice for.