Saturday, July 4, 2009

Guest Blogging At Feministe!

I received another surprise when I recently checked my e-mail and discovered one from Jill of Feministe.

It was an invitation for the TransGriot to do a two week guest blogging stint there. I accepted it and you'll see my guest posts appearing there starting on August 31.

It's an honor as a transwoman of African descent to be extended an invitation to guest blog there. You know I'll be 'representin' and telling it like it T-I-S is a I always strive to do here at TransGriot.

Renee of Womanist Musings will be guest bogging over there as well starting August 17 along with one of my regular readers Bint Alshamsa of My Private Casbah (July 13). Frau Sally Benz from Jump Off The Bridge guest blogging stint starts August 3, and Queen Emily from Questioning Transphobia started guest blogging over there June 29.

So check out Feministe and some of the great commentary that I'm sure we'll all be producing just as we do on our own blogs.