Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The Tell It WOC Speak Blog Carnivals

I decided I wanted to talk about for a moment the Tell It WOC Speak Blog Carnivals.

I participated because it's a great way to get new people exposed to my writing that may not have ever heard of TransGriot, nor may ever pass by this blog otherwise. I've gotten some dedicated readers from it as a result of my involvement in this carnival.

It was also an honor to me personally that I was invited to do so, and one of my posts was the featured one for the February edition.

It did bother me though that there wasn't enough participation from WOC bloggers for whatever reason, but I looked at it as their loss because they didn't seize the opportunity to promote their work to a wider audience.

But at the same time, by not participating, those peeps who declined to do so were silencing their own voices in addition to denying themselves access to the rest of the Netizens.

So if you wish to check out the previous carnivals, here's the link to the website that hosts it.