Thursday, June 11, 2009

Introducing Transman Chaz Bono

Chaz Bono came out two decades ago and has been a visible spokesperson and activist for the LGBT community.

I'd been hearing rumors for several months that Chaz Bono was either about to transition or had done so, but could never find the evidence to either confirm or deny it.

Well, as many of you know by now, it's official. Chaz is beginning the transition process according to his spokesperson Howard Bragman.

"Yes, it's true -- Chaz, after many years of consideration, has made the courageous decision to honor his true identity. He is proud of his decision and grateful for the support and respect that has already been shown by his loved ones.

It is Chaz's hope that his choice to transition will open the hearts and minds of the public regarding this issue, just as his 'coming out' did nearly 20 years ago. We ask that the media respect Chaz's privacy during this long process as he will not be doing any interviews at this time."

Chaz once worked for GLAAD as its Entertainment and Media Director, and GLAAD President Neil G. Giuliano had this to say about the news.

“Chaz Bono's decision to live his life authentically represents an important step forward, both for him personally and for all who are committed to advancing discussions about fairness and equality for transgender people.

"Coming out as transgender is an extremely personal decision and one that is never made lightly. We look forward to hearing Chaz's story in his own words in the future."

“GLAAD encourages media outlets to cover this story accurately, and to avoid speculation about the details of Chaz’s story before he is ready to tell it in his own words.”

I look forward to hearing Chaz tell his story as well when he's ready to do so, along with the rest of his transgender brothers and sisters.