It's almost that time again. The April edition of the Tell It WOC Speak Blog Carnival is rapidly approaching. The blog carnival will be posted on April 15 so submit those posts in to Renee by April 12 if you wish to participate.
It's a great way to introduce people to your writing who may not have previously surfed by your blog previously.
The two previous ones had some dynamite writers and thinkers posting, so why wouldn't you want to be part of the cool blog kids?
I discovered some great blogs as a result of the previous editions of Tell It WOC Speak and hope the participation in this carnival grows.
The posts can be about any topic you desire to talk about by any woman of color. They can be previously written posts or brand new material, it's your call. Of course I'm going to be contributing a few posts to it, and I'd like to see some new writers join in.
So let's get busy, send those posts in and be a part of the only blog carnival dedicated to showcasing the work of WOC bloggers.