Monday, February 21, 2011

Happy President's Day 2011

Since today is President's Day in the States and a holiday, I'm going to show some love to our 44th President of the United States of America.

Give it up for our first African American one, from Chicago via Honolulu, Hawaii, Barack H. Obama.

He damned sure ain't getting enough love from certain ignorant sectors of our citizenry like Republicans, Fox Noise, the Tea Klux Klan and the birthers.

He even catches hell from so called friends.  But thank God he's the one in the chair right now.  

And the FLOTUS is all that and three bags of chips, too.

I'm looking forward to helping him get reelected next year.    Kinda like having someone who shares my ethnic heritage living in the house our ancestors built with their free labor.

We also need to take back the House and give the Prez a Congress he can work with.