Sunday, December 5, 2010

TransGriot Nuke A Troll 4- Does This Look Like A Trans Sex Blog?

As you probably guessed, with the worldwide exposure this blog gets, I also get my share of comments that are vile, disrespectful, racist, cluelessly stupid, transphobic and in some cases creepy.

Some of them I send right to the electronic trans can and keep stepping.  But this one I had to share with you loyal TransGriot readers.

This comment was headed to the post I wrote concerning the 2010 edition of the annual Miss International Queen Pageant in Pattaya, Thailand until my spam filter caught it..

It comes from someone named Lars, and I'll spare him the further embarrassment of publishing his e-mail address.

My name is Lars.
and i am 42 years.

Got a question (wishful thinking) about how to meet a nice tranny on the Net  who would like to help me out with my very first cam2cam, never done before. But it has been my superdream since schooldays that i meet a tranny and have my first real TS-sex,

Wishful Thinking from Lars

Alrighty then.   Duck and cover Lars.    Remember, don't look at the flash when it goes off

USS Monica's rhetorical troll nuke tipped Tomahawks loaded and armed.  Sarcasm and snark enabled.   Troll Nuke use authorized,  order verified and authenticated.   Board is green.    Begin countdown  5...4...3...2...1...Launch!

Can you say 'fetishistic trans chaser' boys and girls?    Thought you could. 

You're also catching a break since it's Sunday, I'm not following my first inclination to cuss your trifling azz out.

In case it escaped you from the many hours you obviously spend ogling trans themed porn,  first order of business to break down to your clueless behind is that in many quarters of the trans community, the t-word is increasingly considered to be a disrespectful slur.    

Now Moni likes to get her freak on from time to time, but seriously Lars, does this look like a fracking trans sex blog?

If you paid attention to the header before you surfed over here and posted your comment,  (wishful thinking) my blog's header states precisely what I do cover here.   The 3331 posts I and others have written here are also prima facie evidence of what TransGriot is all about.

 Since you've demonstrated a severe lack of reading comprehension, here's the header since you obviously missed it:.
News, opinions, commentary, history and a little creative writing from a proud African-American transwoman about the world around her.

Lars, note it did not say sex line or help hook you up to find somebody with a video cam to help you  get your freak on.

No disrespect to my sisters who earn their coins by partaking in sex work, but I am so fracking tired of transwomen, and especially transwomen of color being fetishized and defined by that sex worker 'unwoman' meme.

I have transsisters who are college professors, classical musicians, writers, world class athletes, award winning activists, politicians, businesswomen, lawyers, doctors, accountants, models, thought leaders,  historical icons , reality TV stars , wives and get the drift.   

It's one of the many reasons I established this blog on January 1, 2006 in the first place. to get those stories out.    

Know what my superdream is Lars?    To permanently blow up the meme that all transwomen of color are hypersexual 'unwomen', and all that we can do or accomplish in life is to be sex workers or illusionists.

And sadly, your e-mailed commentary is confirmation of just how far we transwomen of color have to travel and how much work there is still left to be done to achieve my superdream of torpedoing it.