By now, most people are aware of the Transgender Day of Remembrance that happens every November 20 to memorialize the people we've lost.
Over the years, there have been calls by some trans people to make the TDOR a more happy-happy joy-joy event, to which the founders and others have resisted. TDOR does serve an important function in terms of focusing attention on anti-transgender violence.
Rachel Crandall, the head of Transgender Michigan is one of the people who asked why couldn't the trans community or someone start an event that celebrates who we are?
Then she asked the question that led to the formation of this event, 'Why isn't that someone me?'
Hence the first annual International Trans Day of Visibility was born.
Rachel's vision for the Trans Day of Visibility is to focus on all the good things in the trans community, instead of just remembering those who were lost.
"The day of remembrance is exactly what it is. It remembers people who died," she said. "This focuses on the living.
While the event she's organizing will be Michigan centric, thanks to her Facebook page the idea is quickly spreading around the world and other local observances are being organized.
When March 31 rolls around on the calendar, it will lead to an event that we hope will garner just as much or more attention than the TDOR has.