Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Rudd Transgender Scholarship Deadline Set For March 1, 2010

TransGriot Note: Announcements from the Houston Transgender Unity Committee. Been a long time (2001) since I attended a Unity Banquet.

The Houston Transgender Unity Committee has set Monday, March 1, 2010, as the postmark deadline for applications for the Peggy Rudd Transgender Scholarships. The nonprofit organization will award two scholarships for $1,000 each at the annual Houston Transgender Unity Banquet on Saturday, May 1.

Transgender individuals who are attending or will attend accredited institutions of higher learning are eligible. The application is available at

The year 2010 will mark the fifth anniversary for the Peggy Rudd Transgender Scholarship Fund, established by educator and author Dr. Peggy Rudd and her spouse, Melanie Rudd.

The Houston Transgender Unity Committee formed in 1990 to bridge the gap between the groups and organizations representing transgender persons in the Houston area, to promote unity among the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community, and to educate and advocate with open and honest advocacy. Representatives from Houston-area transgender groups serve on the Unity Committee.

Tickets will soon be available for the Unity Banquet, which is one of the premiere single-night transgender events in the nation. Proceeds from the ticket sales support the Rudd Transgender Scholarship Fund. Tickets are $50 in advance ($60 at the door) and can be purchased on line through the Unity Committee website ( The banquet will be held in the Grand Ballroom of the Sheraton Brookhollow.

Unity Banquet sponsorships are available at a range of levels, from $75 to $2,000 to underwrite the Brenda Thomas Education Table, named in honor of Thomas (1943-2006), the transgender and HIV activist and educator and longtime Unity Committee executive director. Interested individuals and companies may contact the committee at

A silent auction held during the banquet will raise additional funds to support Unity Committee programs.

In addition to the Unity Banquet and the Rudd Scholarship Fund, Unity Committee programs include the Brenda Thomas Memorial New Year's Day Social, Unity Month, Pride month activities in June, and Transgender Day of Remembrance in November. Unity Committee representatives frequently speak to schools, businesses, and organizations.