Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving

God, is it Thanksgiving already? It caught me off guard this year.

I've had a hard time getting in the holiday spirit because I'll have to spend a few hours (4-12 midnight) at work. It feels like a turkey of a day for me.

Hey, I know I should be happy that I have a job, but it really sucks that I'll be spending a major portion of Thanksgiving day at work instead of sitting at the table enjoying the Thanksgiving dinner that my roommate Dawn cooked. (yes, she can cook. Her bird is the bomb along with her dressing balls).

AC and Susan are up I-65 north in Bloomington eating dinner with her family. I'm 1000 miles away from home, although the Lone Star homesickness got mitigated somewhat by making that trip to Dallas two weeks ago for my cousin's wedding.

I need to accentuate the positive. I do have a lot to be thankful for this year. I still have my health and a roof over my head. I have dropped 15 pounds so far, got reconnected with my Dallas relatives and now have a cousin in Cleveland that I can and do plan to visit. I have wheels again. There are two talented peeps in Sharron and Jessica who have expressed their interest in wanting to do the graphics work for my soon to be published novel 'On The Wings of Love'.

I received a Trinity Award earlier this year in Philly. After I started this blog January 1 it quickly got linked to Jasmyne Cannick's and Pam Spaulding's 'Pam's House Blend' blogs. Not bad for a newbie to this world. One day my blog will be at that level.

I had a newspaper article written about me (and Dawn) in the C-J that I'm still getting positive feedback on a month later. I'm also gratified that the majority of the positive comments I'm receiving are coming from other African-Americans.

That's a lot of positive things to celebrate. Even if am spending several hours of it at work.