Thursday, March 3, 2011

MD 235 Gets Worse

The alleged trans rights bill (In) Equality Maryland is pimping will get a hearing in Annapolis on March 9.    The Maryland House of Delegates Health and Government Operations Committee will hold that hearing on HB 235 at 1 PM EST

(In) Equality Maryland and GINDA sponsor Del. Joseline Pena-Melnyk isn't budging on the Maryland trans community's request that the bill be strengthened by adding public accommodations language to it, and the trans community inside and outside Maryland isn't going to stop fighting it until it does or it's dead.

Now comes the news that the white trans toms supporting this bill want to name GINDA for the recently murdered African American transwoman Tyra Trent.

''When I looked at what this bill was about, which was housing and employment, and knowing what I had read about Tyra, she had had a history of trouble with the law and had been selling her body on the street to make ends meet,'' says Brackett. ''I can't wonder if we had a proper [law] protecting employment for transgender persons, her life might have been different.''
Oh really?

Or is it about the fact that since African American transpeople inside and outside the state are part of the group of trans folks leading the charge against this jacked up bill, you and you wallowing in privilege friends are engaging in this pathetically transparent attempt to rename the bill for Trent in order to give you and your vanilla flavored (In)Equality Maryland friends some PR cover?

Naw, Sharon.   Ain't gonna work.    You and your vanilla flavored trans sellouts didn't give a rats anus about the African American trans community in Maryland when you conspired with (In) Equality Maryland to craft this jacked up GINDA bill.

Now because you've encountered fierce resistance that you could have avoided with an honest dialogue with the African-American trans community before introducing this bill, you want to do your usual bit of using the deaths of Black transpeople for your nefarious purposes.

To quote Maya Wilkes, my fave character from the dearly departed show Girlfriends, "Oh HELL no!"

Until HB 235 fixes its fatal flaw, I would urge the Trent family to not allow their child's name and memory to be desecrated by being attached to an unjust bill that doesn't address and fix the problems that led to her death in the first place. .