Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Cristan Williams-Transsexual not Transgender: A Paroxysm of Histrionics

Cristan Williams is one of our kick azz leaders here in the Houston area and executive director of the Transgender Foundation of America.   She was part of the team that recently got Covenant House Texas to come up with a written policy that mandates respectful treatment of TBLG clients.  

So fresh off that success, she tried to dialogue with the WWBT's and their current spokesmodel.

I'll give you a taste and link to her post describing what happened when she attempted to try and reason with the 'transsexuelle uber alles' crowd.

I give up. I’ve tried time and time again to dialogue with those in the transsexuals aren’t transgender camp! Every time I try to instigate a dialogue, they flip out.

First, I notice that the TS-not-TG camp loves to segregate the trans community into a TS/IS (IS = intersex) camp and crossdressers + everyone else is into some other camp that can never be associated with TS people. I thought that this was funny because some non-Houston IS people freak out when TS people try to group  TS and IS people together.

I’ve tried over and over again to engage this segregationist group in dialogue and I guess today I finally have had enough of trying to talk to them. They’re exactly like trying to talk to a young-earth creationist fundi. Today, I once again tried to reach out to this group and, for the last time, had the door slammed in my face: