Monday, January 10, 2011

When I Tell You You're Incorrectly Quoting My HIstory, Don't Get Huffy About It.

I wrote a post in which I pointed out that using the term 'trans Blackface' is not only problematic, it's historically incorrect.and offensive to African-Americans.

My initial comment was backed by two non Black people.    So what does the person do when confronted with three people saying the same thing and only one of them is Black?

Can you say attack and disrespect the Black person?    Thought you could.

One of the things that pisses off me and other POC's in interactions with non-POC's is this tendency you have when you are confronted with information that doesn't fit your world view, unless it comes from a fellow white person, you huffily attack the POC messenger.   That phenomenon exists whether the white person is a conservative, liberal or independent.  

Far too many times we have had non Black people incorrectly quoting our history to fit their own political agenda.   When we call you on it, you want to engage in silencing techniques to cover up the fact you're wrong and try to have the last word.

Point is, it's our history, and many of us were raised and immersed in it.  So it would stand to reason that we can quickly spot any incorrect information being disseminated and will seek to correct it.

But don't get an attitude because we did.