Friday, December 3, 2010

TransGriot Nuke A Troll 3

Every now and then i get a comment that I just have to eviscerate before I flush it into cyber oblivion.

This was one I received from someone calling themselves 'Nay Nay' on the post in which I reported that one of the waste of DNA suspects in the Victoria Carmen White murder case turned himself in.

c'mon!!! lets not forget she was posing as a real woman.. im sorry but any straight man would have done the same thing she violated him

 Nay Nay, I'll try to forget for a moment that you're posing as a real human being.

Contrary to your breathtakingly ignorant assertion, Victoria C. White IS a 'real woman'.  Talk to her friends about that. 

Any straight man who had a problem with her post surgical trans history and was secure in his sexuality and gender identity would have simply walked away.  

But because these two idiots were wallowing in hypermasculine BS, they felt they had the right to take her life.

How dare you wallow in cisprivilege and advocate that the murder of another human being is justified?

I'm beyond sick and tired of being sick and tired of men parting their lips to claim that if they get pissed off because they discover their date for the evening happens to be trans, they have the right to kill them.

No, you fracking don't.   If you think that way, you'll be going to jail and facing lethal injection or a long stint in your local state prison for doing so.   

Transpeople have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, and that particular night Victoria was doing what any young twentysomething woman would do, go out.   They pushed up on her and followed Victoria back to her place to continue the party, not the other way around..

.So explain how did 'she violate him'?      That's weak azzed delusional victim blaming bull feces at its finest.