Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The 'Secret Trans Agenda' Revealed

In the wake of Bill C-389 getting closer to becoming Canadian law, the north of the border right wingers are losing their damned minds.   

Since they have been frustrated over the fact the Conservative government they put in power has declined to roll back abortion rights or same gender marriage in the Great White North, they are venting their spleens on the trans community and this bill.

But I'm going to reveal to you today what we transpeople talk about in conferences all over the world, what we activists are working for when we coordinate and talk about strategies in e-mail and online chat conversations, and discuss amongst ourselves and in regional and international conferences in our various nations around the globe.

Yep, I'm about to reveal the 'secret transgender agenda'.   

Got your pen and paper ready to jot down notes?   Is your e-mail program window open to cut and paste what I write here and send it off to your right wing friends and the conservafool movement?    

Good, because here it is.

The 'secret transgender agenda' is for transpeople simply to be treated as any other human being in society without having our constitutionally guaranteed civil rights or our ability to live our lives fracked with by y'all because you hate us.

Deceptively simple isn't it?    But boy are you 'children of darkness' haters making it hard to achieve.  

But the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr did warn us about you peeps when he stated, 'it is still one of the tragedies of human history that the 'children of darkness' are frequently more determined and zealous than the 'children of light'.

That's okay Children of Darkness, bring the noise machine, bring the pain...

Oops, forgot you're already bringing the pain in terms of two transpeople a day murdered around the world.  You haters are on the wrong side of the moral arc of history once again, you're going to lose and victory for us will be so much sweeter because of it..

Oh yeah, here's some fresh Hater Tots for you to chew on while you ponder this piece of news about the 'secret transgender agenda' .

The science supporting our 'secret transgender agenda'  is increasingly stacking up on my side to the point that the only card you children of darkness have left to play is lying through your teeth about us, and we're pwning you on that front, too.

Want some Haterade to wash those Hater Tots down with?       

And on that note, gotta go.   Have another meeting to attend in an undisclosed location to plan the next phase of the 'secret transgender agenda.'.