Friday, December 10, 2010

Shut Up Fool! Awards-Thank You TransGriot Readers Edition

On of the things I've been marveling at recently is that all of a sudden my readership and hit counts have just exploded in the last two weeks.  I've passed the 1.8 million hits mark in addition to getting about 3000 visitors a day.  If you can and are felling in the holiday spirit, drop a little something something in the tip jar if you REALLY like it, unless your name is Chuck Knipp.    

Thanks TransGriot readers for spending your valuable web surfing time coming here.   It's a blessing and a humbling experience to know that you think that highly of me and this blog to continue coming here.

Blogiversary is coming up on January 1 and TransGriot will be 5 years old.  I'm also planning some new features in 2011 such as more TransGriot Ten Questions Interviews,  more guest posts, a Tuesday Trivia Quiz and bringing back the Saturday Sellout posts. 

Don't forget that I'm still taking nominations for the 2010 Shut Up Fool of the Year award and the Shut Up Fool Lifetime Achievement Awards until midnight on December 30 .  Post you nominees in the comment section of the Fool of the Year post.

But I couldn't do any of this without y'all.     Thank you!.

And speaking of features, let's get right to this week's Shut Up Fool winner.

There was as always a bumper crop of fools to select from, but this week's honor goes to Sarah Palin's Mini-Me, Christine O'Donnell.    Every time she parts her lips something stupid comes out of it, and she hardly ever fails to disappoint .

O’Donnell said, “Tragedy comes in threes, Pearl Harbor, Elizabeth Edwards’s passing and Barack Obama’s announcement of extending the tax cuts, which is good, but also extending the unemployment benefits.”

Typical conservafool.   No clue about economics, history or compassion for anyone except billionaires and corporations    What's a tragedy is anybody considers you electable for any office, much less voted for your clueless azz.    

Damn, isn't your 15 minutes beyond being up already?     

Christine O'Donnell, shut up fool!