Sunday, December 5, 2010

LGBT Peeps and Liberals Need To Stop Hatin' On The Christians In Our Midst

Christianity isn’t the private property of right-wing zealots. It’s past time for those of us in the GLBT community who are Christian to proclaim it, stand up to those thugs and take our faith back from the Pharisees who are using it as a baton to beat us down with.       

Monica Roberts  IFGE Trinity Award acceptance speech, April 7, 2006

That paragraph triggered one of the three standing ovations I received during that Trinity peech.

It expressed mine and many African-American transpeople's frustrations about the anti-Christian attitudes expressed in LGBT circles.

Sadly they are still just as prevalent in 2010 and not just in the GLBT community..

Yes, I am a Christian.   I was baptized at my home church here on August 2, 1972 and strive to live my life in a way that is based on the Golden Rule and principles of Kingian love.    I'm not perfect, but at the same time being a Christian doesn't mean I meekly take any crap from anyone either.

And as you TransGriot readers know, I'm not 'scurred' to call your butts out on it.. 

I follow the teachings of Jesus Christ, not the Apostle Paul.   If I'm sitting in a unfamiliar church and I hear the pastor utter the words, 'The Apostle Paul says,"  I'm immediately getting up from the pew and breaking for the door so quickly the late Florence Griffith-Joyner would be marveling at how fast I moved with heels come close to reaching her still unbroken 100m world record.

That being said, I realize that the Forces of Intolerance haters that oppose our inevitable gaining of our civil rights primarily are the same white conservative haters that the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.faced back in the day in Christian drag.

They are now joined by Black and Latino sellouts, and have not only been long. loud, vocal and wrong in doing whatever it takes to keep the inevitable triumph of TBLG civil rights from happening, they have violated the Ninth Commandment ad nauseum in doing so

In case you're wondering what the Ninth Commandment is, it states:  Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.

And boy do they engage in that and other anti-Christian shenanigans on a regular basis.

So yeah, I understand the righteous anger that is directed at the Religious Reich.   I get it.

But far too many times your anger at the fundies is directed at your allies in the liberal and TBLG communities that are Christian   Just as the LGBT and liberal progressive communities aren't monolithic, neither is the faith community.  

You have to recognize that there are GLBT Christians like myself. .   There are 'Big C' Christian allies who reject the lies and nekulturny behavior of the fundamentalists who have hijacked our faith for their nefarious political agenda and despise the fact they have  turned the word 'Christian' into a synonym for bigot.

And yes, there are gay, trans and lesbian pastors..

Liberals and BTLG community, you need to do your part to recognize there are Christians who support our human rights struggles    

While bashing all Christians may make you feel better in the short term,  it's disrespectful to your Christian allies who have hosted HIV/AIDS and TDOR services, open their doors and provide church homes to TBLG members, and are standing tall and being vocal in forcefully pushing back against right wing hate ministers

So yeah, BTLG peeps and liberals, you need to back up off the Christians in your midst and focus on your real enemy, the 'little c' so-called ones who mistakenly believe that WWJD stands for 'Who Would Jesus Diss' instead of What Would Jesus Do?