Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Canada's Bill C-389 Update VI-Crunch Time On Road To Fairness

I was watching on ParlVU yesterday when Bill C-389 came up in the Private Members Business half of yesterday's proceedings in Ottawa.

The Trans Rights Bill was at Report Stage and when the Speaker called for a voice vote to approve moving C-389 to the next stage of the process, loud NO's came from the MP's opposing the bill.  .

The speaker ruled that the NO's won,  which left me having a WTF just happened here moment?

Turns out the haters won this round on Parliament Hill by screaming louder that the peeps supporting the bill, and the Speaker ruled in their favor.   New Democrat MP's immediately called for having a recorded standing vote.   That vote according to MP Bill Siksay, the sponsor of Bill C-389 will take place after the Question Time phase of the proceedings today around 3:15 PM EST.        

MP Siksay believes that C-389 can pass on a standing vote.   It's why the New Dems requested the definitive standing vote.

Here's the sitch.   If the bill passes this Report Stage standingvote, it lives and it will go into two hours of debate and a final vote at ThirdReading in late February or March.

However if it is defeated atReport Stage the process stops and the bill dies.

I'm anticipating that it will win on standing vote,  so this next line is written in the hope that it does and based on my belief that MP Siksay, like any successful politician knows how to count votes..

Get busy Canadian TransGriot readers lobbying your MP's, even if you have a Conservative one.   Let then know you live in his or her constituency, you support the Trans Rights Bill and you wish to see this bill pass.

TransGriot Update   The Trans Rights Bill passed the standing vote 143-131