Saturday, December 4, 2010

2010 Shut Up Fool Of The Year Award Nomination Time!

One of the more popular things I've done here at TransGriot since 2008 is my weekly Shut Up Fool! Awards in which I shine a bright spotlight on the ignorance and stupidity that surrounds us.  

Well, it's time for me to name the 2010 Shut Up Fool of The Year!

I want a little more reader input into the process than last year, so I'm asking you loyal TransGriot readers who you think should be this year's Shut Up Fool of the Year.   You can nominate an individual, organization or group, but whoever you choose, do it by December 30. 

Last year's winner was Notorious GOP himself, Michael Steele. 

I'm also taking your suggestions for the Shut Up Fool Lifetime Achievement Award Winners, which i will announce during Oscar Week 2011.   Those peeps get retired from weekly Shut Up Fool award consideration unless they say or do something monumentally stupid that has to be called out.

For 2011 and beyond I'll select ten finalists, and five lucky fools will get the honor.

Rush Limbaugh was my 2010 Shut Up Fool Lifetime Achievement Award winner.

So drop those nominations in the comment section of this post before midnight CDT on December 30 and surf back to this space on December 31 to see who won.