Monday, October 25, 2010

The Election Homestretch For Our 2010 Trans Candidates

We've got a week to go to Election Day and several trans candidates  are working hard down the stretch stumping for votes, garnering positive media attention, getting endorsements,  hopefully getting a chance to debate the issues with their opponents, raising money and doing everything possible to come home with historic victories next Tuesday night.

Brittany Novotny is vying to become the first transperson ever elected to a state legislature, and is running a very competitive state House District 84 race against famed homophobic Oklahoma state Rep. Sally Kern.  

On the Left Coast we have Vicky Kolakowski running in California's Alameda County for a Superior Court judgeship and just across the Bay Theresa Sparks is running for San Francisco Supervisor.

Down in the president's home state we have Kim Coco Iwamoto, who became in 2006 the first transperson ever elected to statewide office, running for reelection to the Hawaii State Board of Education.

If you're fortunate enough to live in their states or the areas where they are running, please consider voting for them.   If you don't you can still help them by donating some cash for their election coffers.