Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Houston Trans Community Meeting October 9

A trans community meeting concerning the ongoing Araguz case will take place on Saturday October 9 from 1:00-3:00 PM CDT at the Transgender Center.  

It's located at 604 Pacific St in Houston, TX and this town hall meeting will focus on the impact the Heather Delgado v. Nikki Araguz case will have on the overall GLBT community within Texas and beyond.

A loss can mean that the State of Texas will no longer recognize the transitioned status of transgender people. This will have a huge impact on transgender employment issues, bathroom issues, issues of policy and issues of law.

A win will ensure that the State of Texas will officially recognize the transitioned status of transgender people. This will also have a huge impact on transgender employment issues, bathroom issues, issues of policy and issues of law.

Additionally, a win will put Texas in the exact same place California was post-Prop 8. A win will mean that we will have a law banning same sex marriage while at the same time having many officially State-sanctioned valid same sex marriages that came about due to the 1999 Littleton vs Prange ruling.

We will discuss strategy and what you can do. This will be your opportunity to become fully informed and have all your questions and concerns addressed about this case.

On hand for the community meeting will be:

Phyllis Frye and her entire law firm
Nikki Araguz
TFA Executive Director and Board of Directors
Vanity, Diamond Girls
Jenifer Rene Pool, Host of Queer Voices and City Council candidate
Kris Banks, President of the GLBT Political Caucus