Friday, July 16, 2010

TransForm New Hampshire Conference Coming Soon

Many of us remember last year, when the New Hampshire Senate, the only female led and dominated legislature in the country if not the world passed a marriage equality bill.

But that same legislative body couldn't, wouldn't or didn't want to expend the effort to open their minds and hearts to protect trans people in their state. On a 24-0 vote turned down at transgender rights bill because 'it had flaws' they never elaborated on.

It appears the New Hampshire trans community is mobilizing in the wake of that bitter loss. As part of that process, the TransForm New Hampshire Conference will take place July 23-25, 2010 in the state's capital city of Concord, NH.

There is a $25 registration fee for the event and during that period people from the Nutmeg State and beyond its borders will gather to watch films, performance artists, and workshops that will help educate people, formulate policy, get better organized and discuss ways to petition their legislators to pass laws so that transpeople can 'live free or die' in New Hampshire and beyond.

Here's a statement from Episcopal Bishop of New Hampshire Gene Robinson concerning the event.

'Equal rights for Transgender People is the next front in the equal-rights-for-all effort. But more of our citizens need to understand the experiences, challenges and needs of their trans neighbors. This conference is an extraordinary opportunity to hear national leaders as well as local activists, speaking to the experience and needs of our trans citizens. Even gay and lesbian people are often uneducated and unfamiliar with the complexities of our trans brothers and sisters who have been so supportive of our efforts for full equality. Run, don't walk, to sign up for this great conference!

Featured speakers for the event include Anthony Baretto-Neto, Allyson Robinson, , Peterson Toscano, Kim Pearson, Executive Director and Co-Founder of TransYouth Family Allies, and many more.

The event is sponsored by TransMentors International, in partnership with the New Hampshire Civil Liberties Union,