Friday, April 23, 2010

And Then There Were Four

Ten years ago in Alexandria, VA Dawn Wilson became the first African-American transperson to win the IFGE Trinity Award.

Today in that same hotel and locale, longtime Washington, DC activist Earline Budd along with Laura Calvo and Jennifer Barge received their 2010 IFGE Trinity Awards at the IFGE 2010 Capital Conference awards luncheon.

In picking up her award, Earline Budd made a little history. She became the fourth African-American transperson and the first since 2006 to win the US transgender community's second highest service award.

Dr. Marisa Richmond won it in 2002, and yours truly in 2006.

Congratulations 'Number Four'. You definitely deserved it after all the years of work you have put in on behalf of the trans community in Washington DC.

Know that your sisters and brothers outside the beltway deeply appreciate it.

Here's hoping that we see more deserving trans people of color picking up a Trinity and that we get to see a trans brother win one as well.